Frequently asked questions
Why do we need to use seaweed? When and which will be the crop effects?
Seaweed has solid scientific proof that have several effects on crop quality and yield. They could be considered as a source of active ingredients with a multitude of biostimulants effects on plants. Syngenta biologicals uses Ascophyllum nodosum as a source of active ingredients to combine with other ingredients (plant extracts or other actives) to obtain a synergetic effect on plants. Agronomic results showed that depending on different crops MC EXTRA exerts the main benefits when applied during the reproductive phases, and in some crops also express good effects in other phases of crop cycle (for example on tomato, grape, leafy vegetables). MC SET is tailored to be applied only during flowering and fruit set stages to express more genetic potentials of the plant. MC CREAM is more versatile because of the effect on photosynthesis, showing positive effects all along the entire crop cycle. In this last case MC CREAM showed synergetic effects also with BENEFIT PZ for fruit enlargement.
How, if it´s possible, can we measure the seaweed based products effects (in the field)?
Our formulations are tailored to work on specific physiological processes in the plant. Depending on the function of the use of the product, the parameters change, for example for products that work on photosynthesis it is possible to measure SPAD index, NDVI, etc., for balanced growth the plant compactness is a good indicator, for flowering and fruit set, the number of flowers and the % of fruit set. Our seaweeds are a complementary tool that, thanks to our unique GeaPower® approach based on optimized extraction processes and combined with other powerful ingredients in a final formulation, ensure better yield and quality.
Are there specific formulations of seaweed for each stage of crop growth and maturity? When is the right time to apply these different types and formulations of seaweed? What attributes of different species of seaweed make them unique, for example A. nodosum vs. Eklonia?
Our MC Line is composed of different active ingredients than A. nodosum alone. This allows us to generate solutions that are more targeted for different stages of growth. Brown seaweed like A. nodosum and Eklonia maxima have some active ingredients in common (Alginates, Fucoidans, Fucosterol, etc…), naturally the % of these active ingredients could be very different because they are different species and live in different habitats with different environmental conditions. Different species of seaweed have different concentrations of active ingredients such as ( Alginates, Fucocidans, Fucosterol…etc.). The difference in concentration of active ingredients comes from the location of their natural habitat. A. nodosum we harvest is grown in the northmost part of the world where it is subjected to extreme environmental conditions that favor the production of these active ingredients found in our formulation. Another consideration is timing of harvest because different compounds accumulate depending on the time of the year. In addition, our extraction methods allow us to concentrate these ingredients in blends that target a stronger response.
What are the main active ingredients of Ascophyllum nodosum?
This complex organism contains variable percentage of macro and microelements, proteins, and vitamins. The content of alginates is important, because they can increase the availability of nutrients for the plants, through the binding properties. A. nodosum contains also phlorotannins, laminarin, fucoidans and mannitol, which can help the plant adapt to environmental stresses, activate the plant defense system, and adjust the osmotic process. The content of each active ingredient depends on extraction process used, harvesting area and harvesting time.